If you are one of those who believe in taking care of the little ones, then why not to take up our professional Nanny Course and step into this industry?
A Nanny is a governess or a caretaker who are professionally qualified and trained to take care of the children. From nurturing, protection to supervision, a nanny is an absolute caretaker of all the things that’s related to the kids. Basically, there are two types of Nannies that are employed in the homes, first Live-in and Second, live-out.
Well, there are numerous advantages of learning the professional and 100% certified nanny course. Some of the prominent and major points are mentioned below.
After learning this professional course, you can see tremendous growth in your career as it’s a certified and program.
Once you learn and get proper training, you can easily and speedily develop your professional caregiver skills including patience, maturity and become responsible.
From feeding, dressing to washing, everything of babies is carried out by the nanny, which helps to learn every basic thing in child care.
The professional Nanny course is absolutely affordable and easy to learn as its high in demand these days.
The tutor or trainer will guide, encourage and support you at every path to become a professional attendant for a baby.
The major benefit of learning this exciting professional course is that you can get placements to Canada, Australia and other foreign countries as a caregiver.
Take a peek at the below mentioned details units that will be included in the program to work efficiently in the home care industry.
Child Care
In this unit, we will be covering the duties and responsibilities of a Nanny. It includes infant care in which childhood diseases, prenatal and postnatal care will be taken care of along with developing and implementing the healthy dietary patterns. The governess will be taught and trained to protect the little one with lifesaving techniques together with knowledge and awareness about learning disabilities, speech, hearing and visual issues and most importantly, child abuse.
Furthermore, the infant massage, healthy cooking/food preparation, interpersonal and interpersonal relations are some of the other topics that will be covered in the child care section.
Child Growth, Development and Behavior
In this section of the Nanny course, Child growth, development and Behavior topics will be majorly discussed. The child growth and development since birth up to the age of 2 years, especially motor skills and fine motor skills, healthy relationship building, record the observations related to interest and needs of the child, focusing on emotions like attachment, separation etc.
For young adolescents, the governess or caregiver will be guided thoroughly to handle the development issues effectively. Additionally, the caretakers are also taught regarding special needs awareness.
Cultural Enrichment
The nannies or governesses are also educated about early childhood literature, language and communication. In cultural enrichment, there’s a major part of creative play that is stimulating the imagination of the children through different activities. Along with it, care providers are taught about the importance and role of music in the life of a young child and also about exploring the distinct art forms for the kids.
Personal Protection and Safety
In the Nanny course, it’s equally crucial to take of yourself, thus from personal awareness and protection to fire safety, water safety, equestrian safety and rescue is also taught. These are some of the imperative sections in the Nanny course that are definitely covered for child and personal safety of the caretaker.